Comprehensive Basketball Shooting Workout for Versatile Scoring

To be a dominant player, a versatile scoring skill set is essential. This expanded basketball shooting workout includes specific shot targets for each drill, with an additional emphasis on three-point shooting to help you elevate your game.

Warm-Up (10-15 minutes)

Start with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your body for the workout, including light jogging, dynamic stretches, and agility drills. Get the feel of the basketball by doing some dribbling and ball-handling skill work.

Shooting Drills

1. Form Shooting (10 minutes)

  • Stand 2-3 feet from the basket at the front and center.

  • Take 25 shots, focusing on perfect form and a consistent follow-through.

  • The goal is to shoot with perfect form and not have the basketball touch any part of the rim as you swish it.

  • After 25 shots take one large step back and continue to work on your form with another set of 25 shots.

2. Catch-and-Shoot (15 minutes)

  • Position yourself at the free throw line

  • Have a passer or rebounder feed you the ball.

  • Take 100 catch-and-shoot shots from the free throw line, with an emphasis on a quick release and high follow-through.

3. Off-the-Dribble Shooting (15 minutes)

  • Dribble towards the basket, simulating game scenarios.

  • Practice pull-up jump shots from mid-range and beyond the arc.

  • Take 100 shots, alternating between driving to the left and right, with a focus on balance and rhythm.

  • Shoot some shots from an angle by using the backboard.

4. Three-Point Shooting (15 minutes)

  • Position yourself beyond the three-point line.

  • Take 100 three-point attempts (20 from the corner, 20 from the wing, 20 from the top and then 20 from the other wing and 20 from the opposite corner.

  • Concentrate on your shooting form, consistency, using your legs to provide power and arc.

  • Mix in spot-up three-pointers and shots off the dribble.

5. Finishing at the Rim (15 minutes)

  • Work on layups, finger rolls, reverse layups, and scoop shots.

  • Experiment with different spins on the basketball to utilize the backboard.

  • Take 100 layup attempts, focusing on using both hands for each finish on each side of the rim.

  • Experiment with different finishing moves to adapt to varying defensive challenges.

6. Post Moves and Scoring in Traffic (20 minutes)

  • Practice post-up moves like drop steps, up-and-unders, hook shots, and fadeaways.

  • Simulate contact by adding a defender or using pads.

  • Incorporate counter moves and read the defense.

  • Aim for 100 post move attempts during this drill.

Shooting Game Simulation (20-25 minutes)

  • Create game-like scenarios that apply your shooting skills in pressure situations.

  • Start with a simulated one-on-one situation, working on shot selection and decision-making.

  • Vary the scenarios, such as coming off screens, taking shots off the dribble, and receiving passes on fast breaks.

  • Have a partner or coach provide defensive pressure to simulate realistic game conditions.

  • Aim for at least 50 shots during this part of the workout.

This comprehensive basketball shooting workout, with a specific focus on three-point shooting, will help you become a dominant player with a versatile scoring skill set. Remember that your progress depends on consistent effort and dedication. So, put in the work, refine your shooting skills, and embrace the journey of becoming a scoring machine on the court. Your commitment will pay off, and you'll be a force to be reckoned with as a versatile player your team can count on to put points on the board.


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